Yohei Goto 後藤 洋平
19.2 x 10.3 cm, 78 pages, Soft cover, On-demand print
Publication date: March 2016
ISBN 978-4-907934-08-8

 Sold out 

A photo book recording delicate phenomenon of light in its relationships with glasses. From photos remaining as something only Goto as a glass artist could see, the book was edited focusing on their variability.

Yohei Goto 後藤 洋平
A glass artist. Born in 1983 in Niigata Prefecture and lives in Chiba Prefecture. Graduated from Toyama City Institute of Glass Art in 2008. He produces and exhibits 2D, 3D, and installation works mainly using glasses.
1983年 新潟県生まれ。千葉県在住。2008年 富山ガラス造形研究所 卒業。主にガラスを用いて平面、立体、インスタレーション作品の制作、展示を行う。